Edward Tufte of Yale, one of the fathers of information design and data visualization, noted that “there are only two industries that call their customers ‘users’: illegal drugs and software.” His insight is especially troubling for the venture capital (VC) industry, which is the main bloodstream of financial investment into software innovation. VC is also the main “culprit” behind “The Social Dilemma” described in the aptly named Netflix documentary featuring Tufte’s quote.
Venture capital is deeply rooted in free-market capitalism. The best VC firms are those driving the best returns. Performance is measured in multiples of capital returned, and you need to be in the top quartile in order to be able to consistently raise and deploy capital and be sustainable long term as a firm.
ESG is a modern abbreviation packing environmental, social and governance issues in one common bucket. To many, it stands for the responsibility that we as a species carry for the planet and our society. But how does the venture capital industry reconcile the conflict between returns, i.e., the needs of individual VC firms to make financially successful investments, with the collective interest of embracing the issues of modern society at large?
The short answer is not very well. ESG is the buzzword of the last decade in the finance industry, and this trend has finally reached venture capital too, which means that we have to change and we have to do it fast.
The pull factor is coming from both public and private institutional investors, who are by far the largest investors in VC. They have become much more socially conscious in the past few decades, and they require their VC managers to promote their ethos of driving positive public change. The push factor is fear of the tech industry being regulated. It’s essentially a defense mechanism — become socially responsible and self-regulate before the government decides to do it for you.
How can VCs include ESG criteria in their investment decision-making without materially negatively impacting the expected returns? VC is a means and not an end; however, we’ve known since Aldous Huxley that “the means employed determine the nature of the ends produced.” Let’s try to unpack how VCs are trying to add ESG into their business processes.
The environment is the most tricky aspect of ESG for tech companies. At first sight, it appears that software is carbon neutral, after all, it does not emit anything. However, software runs on hardware and the more data is used, the more energy is required. All of this means that software development is not green by definition, but it can be. If you don’t trust me, just ask the folks running the Green Software Foundation. The takeaway for VCs is that they need to support conscious companies that are taking active measures to be carbon efficient.
The social element is more clear. Socially responsible investing (SRI) means limiting the industries and companies that you are supporting to those that positively impact society at large. This concept has been around for decades. SRI encompasses a broad number of topics such as consumer protection, human rights, ethics, diversity and sustainability. However, SRI is usually limited to a small percentage of total funds, and financial returns for this part of the portfolio are considered secondary versus the positive social impact translating ultimately into a positive marketing/PR impact. An easier route is to just limit investing into certain industries, such as alcohol, tobacco, firearms, fossil fuel production, military, pornography and predatory lending to name a few.
A more nuanced view reveals that VCs and the tech industry share a significant responsibility for disrupting society. This comes from pursuing profits by introducing dangerous new addictions, but also from the more mundane replacement of human work and creative fulfillment by cleverer, cheaper and faster machines. It’s only fair that they should shoulder the burden of getting this right by being proactive in setting ethical standards in tech and making it humane.
Corporate governance is the easiest criterion to address by VCs. After all, good governance is a prerequisite for any investment. A key aspect of governance is access to information, which the VCs require continuously in order to make decisions about investments, as well as assess and report the value of their investments to their own investors. Many VCs require board participation for themselves from the companies, which is a useful tool to facilitate the exchange of information between the key stakeholders. It also enables participants to create further governance structures to tackle important subjects, such as management compensation, audit and oversight.
Some founders moan about red tape, but I have never seen any harm from regular board meetings with substantive discussions around the key business issues. Another aspect of governance is clarity on decision-making between management and shareholders. The age-old agency problem is relevant in every company and is also relevant for VCs as they manage third-party capital as trusted fiduciaries within an agreed investment strategy. Alas, the VCs can and should be active in instilling the best corporate governance principles in their portfolio companies, while also applying the same framework to themselves by appointing investor panels to manage conflicts and provide transparency for their own investors.
In summary, tech and VC companies currently have little to offer on 'E' and need to double down on solving 'S.' If you get 'E' and 'S' right, it means that 'G' is working. ESG is not easy and may impact financial returns negatively in the short term, but the positive impact on the public image of VCs can outweigh this effect in the long term. This can happen both through attracting the ESG conscious founders of the next generations and by driving fundraising from ESG savvy public institutional funds.
The tech industry was never good at talking the talk — just remember Mr. Tufte’s words. Let’s hope that venture capital can pave the way in walking the walk as a response to market demands and for the sake of the health of the planet.
Published by Forbes